UPCYCLE is hiring 15 Doctoral Candidates via a competitive selection process.

Each Doctoral Candidate is provided with a fully-funded PhD scholarship at one partner university having a duration of three years, with the enrollment planned for September-October 2025, and comprising full social security. The post is supported by an allowance provided by the European Commission. The EU Researcher Allowances will be used to cover both the employee’s and the employer’s mandatory charges.


Each Doctoral Candidate is expected to have two secondment periods during the PhD, one at a partner university and one at a partner industry.

During the PhD project, each Doctoral Candidate will:

  • Develop a specific research programme within UPCYCLE in collaboration with other researchers
  • Participate in the dedicated training programme organised within UPCYCLE and in six-monthly project meetings
  • Write scientific papers for publication in top-level journals (Q1) in the relevant disciplinary areas
  • Present his/her research in project meetings, international conferences and outreach events

The key responsibilities of Doctoral Candidates are:

  • To carry out a PhD research project within 36 months culminating in a PhD thesis
  • To participate in research and training activities within the UPCYCLE network
  • To disseminate their research in the scientific community and through public engagement activities ensuring visibility
Each DC position has its unique benefits, which follow MSCA-DN guidelines. Approximate baseline for gross amounts depends on national legislation in each member country and are detailed for each PhD position. Candidates are eligible also for 600 €/month mobility supplement related to travel and accommodation costs plus 660 €/month family supplement, if applicable.

Further details about each DC position are reported in the following. Please, click on the specific DC for having more info.

DC1 – Resource recovery for hard-to-recycle biogenic waste: process assessment and value chain integration
Institution: Politecnico di Milano (Milano, Italy)


Supervisors: Prof. Andrea Turolla and Prof. Elena Ficara

Academic partner: TU Darmstadt (Germany) | Prof. Arne Scholtissek

Industrial partner: Carborem (Lavis, Italy) | Dr. Michela Lucian


The key challenge of this PhD project is the development of a multi-criteria decision support system capable of integrating technical, economic, and sustainability aspects in the assessment of innovative technological solutions to be used for the identification of the most promising valorisation routes for recovered products. Such methodology will be applied for the identification of optimal value chains for converting waste streams into high-value bio-based compounds under different treated feedstocks and process operating conditions. In addition, a part of the PhD project will be devoted to the development of decontamination strategies and technologies for meeting quality requirements for recovered products.


The activities will be performed at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Politecnico di Milano (Italy) under the supervision of Prof. Andrea Turolla and Prof. Elena Ficara. The position includes a 6-month academic secondment at TU Darmstadt (Germany) to support the development of a multi-criteria decision support system by integration of LCA/TEA tools under the supervision of Prof. Arne Scholtissek and a 3-month industry secondment at Carborem (Italy) to assess value chain integration for HTC of contaminated sewage sludge via a pilot-scale plant.


The work requires a strong background in environmental engineering, chemical engineering and process engineering. As the project will largely involve the development and application of plant-wide modelling tools, previous experience with dedicated software (e.g., Aspen Plus) and basic programming capabilities are considered valuable. As for the experimental activities, experience in an environmental engineering/chemical engineering laboratory is encouraged. Capability to critically analyse the achieved results is also required.


During the PhD project, the Doctoral Candidate will:

  • Perform the comprehensive characterisation of output streams and comparison with technical and non-technical requirements for valorisation, leading to the exploration of different alternatives by the definition of a quantitative SWOT analysis chart
  • Identify the most promising alternatives based on the application of the decision support system tool fed with data from UPCYCLE and literature
  • Produce technical datasheets for high-value bio-based compounds, including feasibility and sustainability aspects
  • Provide feedback to the upstream processes for the definition of an iterative value chain design procedure for improving the quality of recovered products based on waste selection, pretreatment, and conversion
  • Get the proof-of-concept of decontamination technologies
  • Work in close collaboration with supervisors and group members while being the driving force of his/her own PhD

The ideal candidate is an enthusiastic and self-motivated person with a mindset for personal development. Applicants have obtained (or are about to obtain) a M.Sc. degree with distinction in Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering or Process Engineering. Eligible applications will be assessed based on the applicant’s (1) academic qualifications, (2) previous (documented) experience in environmental technologies for waste treatment and resource recovery, (3) technical skills, (4) communication skills, and (5) motivation for the project. Politecnico di Milano has an equal opportunity and diversity policy, and applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds are welcome.


Monthly gross salary is approximately 3.311 €/month, with the net salary depending on candidate’s family situation.


In addition to the eligibility criteria introduced above, the applicant should meet the requirements for PhD enrollment at Politecnico di Milano.

For further details about this specific DC position, please contact

DC2 – Resource recovery from hard-to-recycle biogenic waste: valorisation routes downstream of deep conversion processes
Institution: Politecnico di Milano (Milano, Italy)

Supervisors: Prof. Andrea Turolla and Prof. Elena Ficara

Academic partner: KU Leuven (Belgium) | Prof. Jo Van Caneghem

Industrial partner: Gruppo CAP (Milano, Italy) | Dr. Davide Scaglione


The key challenge of this PhD project is the identification of opportunities and constraints for recovered product upgrade via downstream treatments into higher-value bio-based compounds and the assessment of promising alternatives for recovered product upgrade. The related activities will lead to the development of appropriate technological solutions for upgrading recovered products via downstream treatment into higher-value bio-based compounds whose feasibility and sustainability will be assessed. 


The activities will be performed at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Politecnico di Milano (Italy) under the supervision of Prof. Andrea Turolla and Prof. Elena Ficara. The position includes a 6-month academic secondment at KU Leuven (Belgium) to develop tools for the preliminary feasibility and sustainability assessment of recovered products under the supervision of Prof. Jo Van Caneghem and a 3-month industry secondment at Gruppo CAP (Italy) to investigate the valorisation of output streams from an industrial scale pyrolytic process for sewage sludge treatment.


The work requires a strong background in environmental engineering, chemical engineering and process engineering. As the project will involve the development of technological solution, previous experience on the design, operation, and assessment of environmental technologies for resource recovery from waste are to be considered valuable. As for the experimental activities, experience in an environmental engineering/chemical engineering laboratory is encouraged. Capability of critically analysing the achieved results is also required.


During the PhD project, the Doctoral Candidate will:

  • Identify most promising alternatives for recovered product upgrade based on data from UPCYCLE and literature
  • Get proof-of-concept at the laboratory scale of multiple technological solutions based on established and innovative processes for the upgrade of recovered products via downstream treatment into higher-value bio-based compounds
  • Produce technical datasheets for higher-value bio-based compounds, including feasibility and sustainability aspects from preliminary analysis
  • Work in close collaboration with supervisors and group members while being the driving force of his/her own PhD 

The ideal candidate is an enthusiastic and self-motivated person with a mindset for personal development. Applicants have obtained (or are about to obtain) a M.Sc. degree with distinction in Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering or Process Engineering. Eligible applications will be assessed based on the applicant’s (1) academic qualifications, (2) previous (documented) experience in environmental technologies for waste treatment and resource recovery, (3) technical skills, (4) communication skills, and (5) motivation for the project. Politecnico di Milano has an equal opportunity and diversity policy, and applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds are welcome.


Monthly gross salary is approximately 3.311 €/month, with the net salary depending on candidate’s family situation.


In addition to the eligibility criteria introduced above, the applicant should meet the requirements for PhD enrollment at Politecnico di Milano.

For further details about this specific DC position, please contact andrea.turolla@polimi.itnton

DC3 – Development of detailed chemistry models for HTC/HTL of hard-to-recycle biogenic waste streams
Institution: Politecnico di Milano (Milano, Italy)


Supervisors: Prof. Matteo Pelucchi and Prof. Alessio Frassoldati

Academic partner: University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) | Prof. Tine Seljak

Industrial partner: Carborem (Lavis, Italy) | Dr. Michela Lucian


The key challenge of this PhD project is to develop characterization models for the investigated feedstock and to develop mechanistic chemical kinetic models for the hydrothermal carbonization and liquefaction (HTC and HTL) processes guided by and validated through lab-scale information produced within UPCYCLE and from the literature. Such model will be used to assess the impact of feedstock composition and operating conditions on process operations and product quality by means of low order (e.g., ideal reactors) simulations. The same models will be transferred within the consortium for multidimensional reactor simulations. 


The activities will be performed at the CRECK Modelling Laboratory of the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta” of Politecnico di Milano (Italy) under the supervision of Prof. Matteo Pelucchi and Prof. Alessio Frassoldati. The position includes 6-month academic secondment at University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) to work on reduced-order modelling aspects specifically related to the fate of inorganics under the supervision of Prof. Tine Seljak and 3-month industry secondment at Carborem (Italy) to acquire additional experimental data for validation of developmed models.


The work requires strong theoretical background in chemical reaction engineering, chemical kinetics and chemical engineering. As the project will largely involve the use of chemical kinetic modelling tools (e.g., CHEMKIN and similar) and the developed ad-hoc routines for data analysis, post-processing and for 0-D reactor models (e.g., batch and semi-batch) simulations, basic programming capabilities are also encouraged. Capability of critically analyzing the achieved results is also required.


During the PhD project, the Doctoral Candidate will:

  • Extend an existing database of biogenic waste feedstocks that are applicable to HTC/HTL processes
  • Extend an existing biomass characterization model  (Van Krevelen diagram) to include the feedstock of interest and the presence of impurities
  • Propose surrogate models of the targeted feedstocks as a linear combination of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, extractives, moisture, tannins, ashes and impurities
  • Develop a kinetic model capable to describe the degradation of the above biomass components in solution phase, the yields of uncondensable gases, hydrochar and bio-oil and a detailed product distribution
  • Extend the above model to include impurities and their effect on yields and product distribution based on systematic experimental analysis carried out within UPCYCLE 
  • Work in close collaboration with supervisors and CRECK group members while being the driving force of his/her own PhD

The ideal candidate is an enthusiastic and self-motivated person with a mindset for personal development. Applicants have obtained (or are about to obtain) a M.Sc. degree with distinction in Chemical Engineering, Physical Chemistry, Bioengineering or Process Engineering. Eligible applications will be assessed based on the applicant’s (1) academic qualifications, (2) previous (documented) experience in chemical kinetics, reactor modelling and chemistry, (3) technical skills, (4) communication skills, and (5) motivation for the project. Politecnico di Milano has an equal opportunity and diversity policy, and applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds are welcome.


Monthly gross salary is approximately 3.311 €/month, with the net salary depending on candidate’s family situation.


In addition to the eligibility criteria introduced above, the applicant should meet the requirements for PhD enrollment at Politecnico di Milano.

For further details about this specific DC position, please contact

DC4 – Development of detailed chemistry models for pyrolysis/gasification of hard-to-recycle biogenic waste streams
Institution: Politecnico di Milano (Milano, Italy)


Supervisors: Prof. Matteo Pelucchi and Prof. Alberto Cuoci

Academic partner: TU Darmstadt (Germany) | Prof. Christian Hasse

Industrial partner: Nextchem (Roma, Italy) | Dr. Barbara Masciocchi


The key challenge of this PhD project is to develop characterisation models for pyrolysis and gasification guided by and validated through lab-scale information produced within UPCYCLE and from the literature. Such model will be used to assess the impact of feedstock composition and operating conditions, as well as catalytic effects arising from inorganic (e.g., metals) fractions in ashes on process operations and product quality by means of low order (e.g., ideal reactors) simulations. The same models will be transferred within the consortium for multidimensional reactor simulations addressing thermal and fluid-dynamics aspects. 


The activities will be performed at the CRECK Modelling Laboratory of the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta” of Politecnico di Milano (Italy) under the supervision of Prof. Matteo Pelucchi and Prof. Tiziani Faravelli. The position includes a 6-month academic secondment at TU Darmstadt (Germany) to work on reduced-order modelling tools (i.e., chemical reactor networks) specifically related to the catalytic effect of inorganics under the supervision of Prof. Christian Hasse and a 3-month industry secondment at Nextchem (Italy) to apply chemistry modelling tools to process scale simulations.

The work requires strong theoretical background in chemical reaction engineering, chemical kinetics and chemical engineering. As the project will largely involve the use of chemical kinetic modelling tools (e.g., CHEMKIN and similar) and the developed ad-hoc routines for data analysis, post-processing and for 0-D reactor models (e.g., batch and semi-batch) simulations, basic programming capabilities are also encouraged. Capability of critically analyzing the achieved results is also required. 
During the PhD project, the Doctoral Candidate will:
  • Extend an existing database of biogenic waste feedstocks that are applicable to pyrolysis and gasification processes, specifically focusing on the content of impurities (inorganics, metals)
  • Extend an existing biomass characterization model  (Van Krevelen diagram) to include the feedstock of interest and the presence of impurities
  • Propose surrogate models of the targeted feedstocks as a linear combination of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, extractives, moisture, tannins, ashes and impurities
  • Develop and revise a state-of-the-art kinetic model capable to describe the devolatilization of the above biomass components in pyrolysis and gasification, the yields of uncondensable gases, hydrochar and bio-oil and a detailed product distribution
  • Extend the above model to include impurities and their effect on yields and product distribution based on systematic experimental analysis carried out within UPCYCLE, as well as the fate of such impurities (e.g., inorganic content in biochar residue) 
  • Work in close collaboration with supervisors and group members while being the driving force of his/her own PhD
The ideal candidate is an enthusiastic and self-motivated person with a mindset for personal development. Applicants have obtained (or are about to obtain) a M.Sc. degree with distinction in Chemical Engineering, Physical Chemistry, Bioengineering or Process Engineering. Eligible applications will be assessed based on the applicant’s (1) academic qualifications, (2) previous (documented) experience in chemical kinetics, reactor modelling and chemistry, (3) technical skills, (4) communication skills, and (5) motivation for the project. Politecnico di Milano has an equal opportunity and diversity policy, and applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds are welcome. 
Monthly gross salary is approximately 3.311 €/month, with the net salary depending on candidate’s family situation. 
In addition to the eligibility criteria introduced above, the applicant should meet the requirements for PhD enrollment at Politecnico di Milano.
For further details about this specific DC position, please contact
DC5 – Circular economy oriented R-CFD for complex feedstocks by predicting fate of organics
Institution: University of Ljubljana (Ljubljana, Slovenia)


Supervisors: Prof. Tine Seljak

Academic partner: KU Leuven (Belgium) | Prof. Johan De Greef

Industrial partner: Indaver (Belgium) | Dr. Karl Vrancken


The key challenge of this PhD project is to develop a reactive 3D CFD model capable of describing the transformations of inorganic compounds during high-temperature thermo-chemical treatment of solid biogenic waste. Predominantly focused on gasification, the PhD project will require description of heat and mass transfer in solid phase and accompanying interactions with gas phase as well as inclusion of chemical kinetic mechanisms for organic components. These will be extended with kinetic mechanisms for inorganics with the purpose to describe the fate of phosphorus and other secondary raw materials, ultimately yielding a model capable of supporting optimisation of process conditions in recovery of secondary raw materials. The models are related to the reference composition of the feedstock, obtained within UPCYCLE and within literature, including organic and inorganic compounds, in order to ensure inherent transfer of kinetic models from the molecular to the reactor scale. The results of the same model will be transferred within the UPCYCLE to support process simulations.

The activities will be performed at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Energy Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Tine Seljak. The position includes a 6-month academic secondment at KU Leuven (Belgium) to work on engineering aspects of thermochemical reactors under the supervision of Prof. Johan De Greef and a 3-month industry secondment at Indaver (Belgium) to acquire industrially relevant guidelines for reactor design. 

The work requires a strong engineering background in heat and mass transfer, reactive flow and principles of 3D CFD modelling. The project will largely involve the use of 3D CFD modelling tools (e.g., ANSYS Fluent and similar), 3D design tools (Inventor, Solidworks and similar) and ad hoc routines for data analysis and post-processing. Basic programming capabilities and basic knowledge on experimental methods are also encouraged as is the capability of critically analysing the achieved results.  

During the PhD project, the Doctoral Candidate will:
  • Develop a 3D CFD model for thermally thick particles of biogenic waste (i.e., municipal sludge, papermill sludge, contaminated lignocellulosic biomass or biomass composites)
  • Integrate state-of-the-art chemical kinetic mechanisms for organic fraction of biogenic waste for the purpose of thermochemical treatment in a 3D CFD model
  • Extend an existing list of promising inorganic secondary raw materials present in biogenic waste, following the EU’s Critical Raw Materials Act
  • Extend the existing chemical kinetic mechanisms for organic fraction with description capability of at least 2 new inorganic components
  • Validate the extended model with experimentally obtained data, taking into account relevant specifics of measurement methods, particularly averaging of gas composition 
  • Work in close collaboration with supervisors and group members while being the driving force of his/her own PhD
The ideal candidate is an enthusiastic and self-motivated person with a mindset for personal development. Applicants have obtained (or are about to obtain) a M.Sc. degree with distinction in Mechanical Engineering, Process Engineering, Chemical Engineering or Chemistry. Eligible applications will be assessed based on the applicant’s (1) academic qualifications, (2) previous (documented) experience in 3D CFD modelling, fluid mechanics and chemistry, (3) technical skills, (4) communication skills, and (5) motivation for the project. University of Ljubljana has an equal opportunity and diversity policy, and applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds are welcome. 

Monthly gross salary is approximately 2.830 €/month, with the net salary depending on candidate’s family situation. Employees are subjected to reimbursement from local travel to-and-from work depending on local travel distance.


In addition to the eligibility criteria introduced above, the applicant should meet the requirements for PhD enrollment at University of Ljubljana

For further details about this specific DC position, please contact

DC6 – Experimental characterization of reactive zone in pyrolysis/gasification with focus on engineering aspects
Institution: University of Ljubljana (Ljubljana, Slovenia)


Supervisors: Prof. Tine Seljak  

Academic partner: Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” | Prof. Benedetta de Caprariis

Industrial partner: Indaver (Belgium) | Dr. Karl Vrancken


The key challenge of this PhD project is to provide comprehensive experimental characterisation of pyrolysis/gasification process for complex biogenic waste, including temperatures, pressure drops, composition, and mass flows of products, with focus on secondary raw materials and precursors for further synthesis with the purpose to provide high-quality validation data (via in-line composition and temperature measurements) and process optimisation guidelines. For this, the PhD project aims to upgrade the existent experimental setup (5 kW range) with necessary sensing equipment and control features. Design of experiments will be guided by fundamental characterisation of the feedstock, obtained within UPCYCLE and within literature, including organic and inorganic compounds, in order to ensure seamless correlation with other molecular and reactor scale project within UPCYCLE. Experimental results will be used to support process simulations, performed by other DCs. 

The activities will be performed at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Energy Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Tine Seljak. The position includes a 6-month academic secondment at Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” (Italy) to extend experimentation techniques and characterise/valorise the residue samples under the supervision of Prof. Benedetta de Caprariis and a 3-month industry secondment at Indaver (Belgium) to showcase the experimental approach and identify refinements/fit the conditions to specific industrial requirements. 
The work requires a strong and practical engineering background in energy and process engineering, knowledge on reactive flows and principles of safe experimental work. The project will largely involve the use of advanced experimental equipment on applied level (e.g., pressure, temperature and composition measurements), 3D design tools (Inventor, Solidworks and similar) and development of process schemes, running procedures and control algorithms. Ad hoc routines for data analysis and post-processing will be an integral part of the project. Programming capabilities (Labview, Python), comprehensive knowledge on experimental methods,  and the ability to critically analise the achieved results are required. 
During the PhD project, the Doctoral Candidate will:
  • Identify and characterise several types of biogenic waste and identify their implications of gasification/pyrolysis process
  • Design the upgrades and adapt existing gasification experimental system to allow for in-line and real-time composition measurements and measurements of other thermodynamic parameters
  • Perform several experiments using different biogenic wastes and their morphology and composition
  • Critically evaluate and post-process the results, with emphasis on scientific reasoning of observed phenomena
  • Devise a high-fidelity database suitable for validation of models, with all necessary sampling specifics and measurement errors to support a perfect replication in follow-up models
  • Work in close collaboration with supervisors and group members while being the driving force of his/her own PhD

The ideal candidate is an enthusiastic and self-motivated person with a mindset for personal development. Applicants have obtained (or are about to obtain) a M.Sc. degree with distinction in Mechanical Engineering, Process Engineering or Chemical Engineering. Eligible applications will be assessed based on the applicant’s (1) academic qualifications, (2) previous (documented) experience in complex experimental work with high temperature reactive flows, (3) technical skills, (4) communication skills, and (5) motivation for the project. University of Ljubljana has an equal opportunity and diversity policy, and applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds are welcome.  

Monthly gross salary is approximately 2.830 €/month, with the net salary depending on candidate’s family situation. Employees are subjected to reimbursement from local travel to-and-from work depending on local travel distance. 
In addition to the eligibility criteria introduced above, the applicant should meet the requirements for PhD enrollment at University of Ljubljana.
For further details about this specific DC position, please contact 
DC7 – Establishing industrial symbiosis in full-scale HTC and HTL through process flexibility
Institution: University of Ljubljana (Ljubljana, Slovenia)


Supervisors: Prof. Mihael Sekavčnik and Prof. Tine Seljak  

Academic partner: Politecnico di Milano | Prof. Andrea Turolla

Industrial partner: IOS (Maribor, Slovenia) | Dr. Alexandra Lobnik


The key challenge of this PhD project is to map the requirements and research the flexibility capacity of full-scale HTL/HTC processes implemented in various environments in terms of variable energy/material inputs/outputs to adapt to inconsistent flows on interface of the process. The project will focus on establishing a dynamic process model, building from physically consistent reduced order models with emphasis on dynamic responses and accomodation of heat/energy sources with high temporal variability and variable feedstock composition/quality. Extension of the model for description of gray-zones (e.g., components for which limited knowledge about response is available) will be performed to adapt to specific use-cases. The model will be used to evaluate and optimise the capacity of HTL/HTC process to adapt external techno-economic factors in order to optimise the OPEX in terms of energy requirements and possible gate fees. The project is predominantly focused on system-level modelling, supported by real-world data from actual operational sites.


The activities will be performed at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Energy Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Mihael Sekavčnik and Prof. Tine Seljak. The position includes a 6-month academic secondment at Politecnico di Milano (Italy) to facilitate optimized topology integration to LCA/TEA analyses by coupling with chemistry models under the supervision of Prof. Andrea Turolla and a 3-month industry secondment at IOS (Slovenia) to evaluate the technical feasibility and introduce required refinements. 

The work requires a strong background in energy and process engineering, knowledge on energy systems and principles of energy system design. The project will largely involve the use of programming tools (e.g., Phyton, MATLAB), commercial process modelling tools (e.g., Aspen Plus) and development of process schemes, running procedures and control algorithms. Ad hoc routines for data analysis and post-processing will be an integral part of the project. Capability to assess the sensitivity of assumptions is required as it is the capability of critically analysing the achieved results.  
During the PhD project, the Doctoral Candidate will:
  • Extensively map the HTC/HTL processes for their capability to adapt to boundary conditions occurring in future energy systems
  • Develop a comprehensive process level model which builds from reduced order reactor and molecular scale models in order to allow for the dynamic response capability
  • Virtually explore the limitations in relation to minimum temperature levels and heating rates for batch or continuous operation
  • Virtually optimise the energy use and power requirements to adapt to variable waste heat/energy sources
  • Apply reasonable approaches towards process electrification, while respecting CAPEX and OPEX limitations
  • Define and quantify the optimal plant topology and components combination for various use-cases of HTC/HTL processes
  • Work in close collaboration with supervisors and group members while being the driving force of his/her own PhD
The ideal candidate is an enthusiastic and self-motivated person with a mindset for personal development. Applicants have obtained (or are about to obtain) a M.Sc. degree with distinction in Mechanical Engineering, Process Engineering or Chemical Engineering. Eligible applications will be assessed based on the applicant’s (1) academic qualifications, (2) previous (documented) experience in system-level modelling, either energy or process focused, (3) technical skills, (4) communication skills, and (5) motivation for the project. University of Ljubljana has an equal opportunity and diversity policy, and applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds are welcome. 
Monthly gross salary is approximately 2.830 €/month, with the net salary depending on candidate’s family situation. Employees are subjected to reimbursement from local travel to-and-from work depending on local travel distance. 
In addition to the eligibility criteria introduced above, the applicant should meet the requirements for PhD enrollment at University of Ljubljana.
For further details about this specific DC position, please contact 
DC8 – Sustainability assessment of novel conversion routes of biological sludge and contaminated waste wood
Institution: KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium)


Supervisors: Prof. Jo Van Caneghem and Prof. Giuseppe Granata

Academic partner: TU Darmstadt (Germany) | Prof. Arne Scholtissek

Industrial partner: Sulzer (Winterthur, Switzerland) | Dr. Irina Yarulina


The key challenge of this PhD project is to quantitatively assess the environmental impacts and economic feasibility of one hydrothermal and one pyrolysis/gasification biowaste conversion route developed within the network. To this extend, life cycle assessment (LCA) and techno-economic assessment (TEA) will be applied.


The activities will be performed at the ChEMaRTS research group of the Department of Materials Engineering at KU Leuven under the supervision of Prof. Jo Van Caneghem and Prof. Giuseppe Granata. The position includes a 6-month academic secondment at TU Darmstadt (Germany) to collaboratively gain insight in contributing processes from upstream and downstream perspective under the supervision of Prof. Arne Scholtissek and a 3-month industry secondment at Sulzer (Switzerland) to gather detailed inventory data of the considered cases to assure fit to real-case scenarios. 

The work requires on the one hand a strong background in LCA and sound notions of TEA, both theoretical and applied, supported by for instance scientific publications or a master thesis. On the other hand, general knowledge of chemical/thermal industrial processes is imperative and specific knowledge of thermal biowaste conversion processes a strong asset. The candidate should have experience with LCA and preferably also TEA modelling software (e.g., UMBERTO). Capability of critically analysing the achieved results is also required. 
During the PhD project, the Doctoral Candidate will:
  • Establish mass and energy flowsheets of the considered conversion routes to serve as basis for both LCA and TEA
  • Establish an LCA inventory for the considered conversion routes
  • Calculate the environmental impacts of the considered conversion routes according to EF 3.0, followed by impact and sensitivity analysis and benchmarking with conventional conversion routes
  • Perform profitability analysis based on throughput and product value and identify cost-hotspots and possible business strategies
  • Extend the above model to include impurities and their effect on yields and product distribution based on systematic experimental analysis carried out within UPCYCLE, as well as the fate of such impurities (e.g., inorganic content in biochar residue)
  • Work in close collaboration with supervisors and ChEMaRTs group members while being the driving force of his/her own PhD
The ideal candidate is an enthusiastic and self-motivated person with a mindset for personal development. Applicants have obtained (or are about to obtain) a M.Sc. degree with distinction in Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, Bioengineering or Process Engineering. Eligible applications will be assessed based on the applicant’s (1) academic qualifications, (2) previous (documented) experience in TEA and LCA, (3) technical background, (4) communication skills, and (5) motivation for the project. KU Leuven has an equal opportunity and diversity policy, and applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds are welcome. 
Monthly gross salary is approximately 2.986 €/month (tax-free) if you are single with no dependent family members. It will be higher in case you have a registered partner without income and/or dependent child(ren), it will be lower in case you have a registered partner with income. 
In addition to the eligibility criteria introduced above, the applicant should meet the requirements for PhD enrollment at KU Leuven.
For further details about this specific DC position, please contact
DC9 – Multiscale reduced-order modelling of reactors for thermal conversion of contaminated solid wastes
Institution: KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium)


Supervisors: Prof. Johan De Greef and Prof. Maarten Vanierschot

Academic partner: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain) | Dr. Maria Ventura

Industrial partner: Vyncke (Harelbeke, Belgium) | Dr. H. Fastenaekels


The aim of this PhD project is to establish an advanced numerical, compartilementalized, multi-scale model to be used for prediction and (offline) control of waste combustion processes (e.g., in the view of abating typical boiler corrosion and unsteady emissions in industrial waste combustion processes). This model shall comprise solid-gas kinetics of relevant thermochemical decomposition reactions (expressed as reaction/reactor engineering equations) and also contain intelligence towards the behavior of specific inorganic compounds that originate from waste contaminants. Experimental validation of the model will be done in a semi-industrial pilot-reactor, and the data obtained will be compared with results previously obtained from CFD models and from a full-scale thermal waste processing plant.


The work, under the supervision of Prof. Johan De Greef and Prof. Maarten Vanierschot, will be executed within the ChEMaRTS research group of the Department of Materials Engineering at KU Leuven Group T campus, which is located in the vibrant historical city center of Leuven. Also, a pilot-scale thermochemical waste reactor in the Deparment of Mechanical Engineering, located at the nearby KU Leuven Arenberg campus, will be utilized for the experimental part of the work.


The position includes a 6-month academic secondment at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain) under the supervision of Dr. Maria Ventura to gain insight into possible catalytic effects of inorganics and introduce them into the models, and a 3-month secondment at VYNCKE (Belgium) to showcase the developments and identify specific challenges to which validation and/or adaptation of the models can be performed.


The work requires the combination of a strong background in (thermo-)chemical reaction/reactor engineering, with skills in advanced numerical process modelling (including coding in Phyton-based environments or similar), and a practically oriented mind to execute validation experiments on the pilot-scale reactor. The capability of critically analysing results by means of data-analysis methods is also required.


During the PhD project, the Doctoral Candidate will:

  • Evaluate and select relevant thermochemical reactions and kinetics through literature study, basic theoretical calculations and inputs from DC4
  • Compile reaction/reactor engineering models (mainly solid-gas)
  • Establish a multiscale compartimentalized model (coded in a Phyton-based environment) for a solid-gas combustor, through addition of chemical thermodynamics, and rate-limiting effects of flow and heat and mass transfer conditions to the reaction/reactor engineering models
  • Put together an experimental dataset obtained from a semi-industrial thermal pilot reactor operated under variable process conditions, for validation of the model and comparison with previously established (CFD) models and outputs from other relevant DCs
  • Extend the above model to include impurities and their effect on yields and product distribution based on systematic experimental analysis carried out within UPCYCLE, as well as the fate of such impurities (e.g., inorganic content in biochar residue)
  • Work in close collaboration with supervisors and ChEMaRTs group members while being the driving force of his/her own PhD

The ideal candidate is an enthusiastic and self-motivated person with a mindset for personal development. Applicants have obtained (or are about to obtain) a M.Sc. degree with distinction in Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Process Engineering or equivalent. Experience or proven strong affinity with numerical process/reactor modelling, including coding or programming aspects, is a minimum requirement. Eligible applications will be assessed based on the applicant’s (1) academic qualifications, (2) previous (documented) experience in process and/or reactor modelling, (3) programming/coding skills (e.g., Phyton or C++), (4) technical skills, (5) communication skills, and (6) motivation for the project. KU Leuven has an equal opportunity and diversity policy, and applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds are welcome. 

Monthly gross salary is approximately 2.986 €/month (tax-free) if you are single with no dependent family members. It will be higher in case you have a registered partner without income and/or dependent child(ren), it will be lower in case you have a registered partner with income.

In addition to the eligibility criteria introduced above, the applicant should meet the requirements for PhD enrollment at KU Leuven.

For further details about this specific DC position, please contact
DC10 – Development of new catalytic routes to valorise contaminated wood through multifunctional materials
Institution: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain)


Supervisors: Dr. Maria Ventura and Dr. Juan Antonio Melero 

Academic partner: Politecnico di Milano (Italy) | Prof. Matteo Pelucchi

Industrial partner: Ingelia (Valencia, Spain) | Dr. B. Oliver-Tomàs


The PhD project focuses on developing advanced catalytic pathways to valorize the three primary polymers in wood – cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The challenge lies in processing lignocellulosic materials contaminated with pollutants such as chromium and heavy metals. This approach involves targeting lignin transformation by designing multifunctional catalysts to convert this polymer, that is the most recalcitrant polymer within the three components into valuable carboxylic acids or aromatic compounds. Holocellulose valorization will be also pursued, utilising the residue (holocellulose) contained the retained contaminants to synthetise metal-incorporated materials. These materials will catalyse the conversion of lignin-derived intermediates into high-value products, including jet fuel and specialty chemicals. A comprehensive mechanistic kinetic model to understand the transformations of lignocellulosic materials will be developed focusing in the catalytic-residue interaction. The research will also involve detailed characterization of feedstocks, residues, and catalytic effluent to optimize the catalytic process. Thus, the research work will mainly focus on (1) developing and optimizing advanced catalysts, (2) investigate the intricate interactions between catalysts and lignocellulosic substrates and pioneering sustainable solutions for transforming waste into valuable resources.


This Doctoral Candidate will carry out research at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain) under the supervision of Dr. Maria Ventura and Dr. Juan Antonio Melero, with secondary supervision by Prof. Matteo Pelucchi at Politecnico di Milano (Italy). The position includes a 6-month academic secondment at the Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” (Italy) to support the characterisation of (micro)pollutants of the wood and a 3-month industry secondment at Ingelia (Spain) to gain practical experience in synthetising carbonaceous materials via hydrothermal carbonisation (HTC) of holocellulose.


The ideal candidate is an enthusiastic and self-motivated person with a mindset for personal development. Applicants have obtained (or are about to obtain) a M.Sc. degree with distinction in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Chemistry, or Process Engineering. 


Monthly gross salary is approximately 3.104 €/month. These figures correspond to the total amount before both employer contributions (economic rights and social cost) and employee contributions (fiscal obligations and social security and other taxes). Consequently, the net salary will derive from deducting all compulsory social security contributions as well as direct taxes (e.g. income taxes) and any other deductions. 


In addition to the eligibility criteria introduced above, the applicant should meet the requirements for PhD enrollment at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

For further details about this specific DC position, please contact
DC11 – Catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) of non-recyclable aqueous streams
Institution: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain)


Supervisors: Prof. Fernando Martínez Castillejo and Prof. Isabel Pariente

Academic partner: Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” (Italy) | Prof. Benedetta de Caprariis

Industrial partner: Ingelia (Valencia, Spain) | Dr. Martin Hitzl


The Doctoral Candidate will focus on advancing the Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation (CWAO) process to treat non-recyclable aqueous streams. The work will involve conducting detailed analyses of industrial effluents from project-related processes, identifying and quantifying contaminants to evaluate their applicability for CWAO treatment. The candidate will also develop innovative carbonaceous materials derived from contaminated feedstocks, such as biochar, which will serve as supports for active metal catalysts, optimising their performance for CWAO applications. A significant part of the research will be dedicated to evaluate the effectiveness of the CWAO process in oxidising recalcitrant compounds, optimising reaction conditions to enhance the biodegradability of effluents by up to 90%, and generating critical insights into process kinetics and efficiency. The Doctoral Candidate will also assess the biodegradability of the treated effluents through Biochemical Methane Potential (BMP) tests and other similar methodologies. The PhD project will deliver advanced methods for characterising aqueous effluents and contaminants, cost-effective catalytic materials synthetised from waste-derived resources, and optimised CWAO processes that significantly improve effluent biodegradability while reducing environmental impact.


This Doctoral Candidate will carry out research at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain) under the supervision of Dr. Maria Ventura and Prof. Maria Pariente, with secondary supervision by Prof. Benedetta de Caprariis at Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” (Italy). The position includes a 6-month academic secondment at the Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” (Italy) to support the characterisation of feedstocks and effluents and  a 3-month industry secondment at Ingelia (Spain) to contribute to biochar synthesis and wastewater characterisation.


The ideal candidate is an enthusiastic and self-motivated person with a mindset for personal development. Applicants have obtained (or are about to obtain) a M.Sc. degree with distinction in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Chemistry or Process Engineering.  


Monthly gross salary is approximately 3.104 €/month. These figures correspond to the total amount before both employer contributions (economic rights and social cost) and employee contributions (fiscal obligations and social security and other taxes). Consequently, the net salary will derive from deducting all compulsory social security contributions as well as direct taxes (e.g. income taxes) and any other deductions. 

In addition to the eligibility criteria introduced above, the applicant should meet the requirements for PhD enrollment at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
For further details about this specific DC position, please contact
DC12 – Thermochemical conversion of contaminated biogenic waste at molecular/lab scale for kinetic modelling
Institution: Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” (Roma, Italy)

Supervisors: Prof. Benedetta de Caprariis and Prof. Maria Paola Bracciale 

Academic partner: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain) | Prof. Fernando Martínez Castillejo

Industrial partner: Nextchem (Roma, Italy) | Dr. Barbara Masciocchi


The primary challenge of this PhD project is to conduct lab-scale kinetic experiments on hydrothermal carbonisation and liquefaction (HTC and HTL), as well as pyrolysis and gasification of contaminated biogenic waste. The research aim to investigate the molecular-level transformation of organic matter under varying process conditions, linking the data to specific feedstocks to populate a database necessary for the development of kinetic models for HTC/HTL and pyrolysis/gasification. The experiments will focus on characterising reaction products, with particular emphasis on reaction intermediates. Another key aspect of the study is the fate of contaminants present in the waste, whose transformation will be monitored through an in-depth characterisation of the products, including metals and inorganic compounds.


The activities will be performed at the laboratory of Industrial Chemistry at the Department of Chemical Engineering of Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” (Italy) under the supervision of Prof. Benedetta de Caprariis and Prof. Maria Paola Bracciale. The DC position includes a 6-month academic secondment at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain) to support the characterisation of feedstocks and of the solid products such as biochar and hydrochar under the supervision of Prof. Fernando Martinez and a a 3-month secondment at Nextchem (Italy) to acquire addition experimental data from real case scenarios.


The work requires strong theoretical background in chemical engineering and industrial chemistry. As the expected work is fully experimental, experience in chemical engineering/industrial chemistry laboratory is encouraged. Capability of critically analyzing the achieved results is also required. 

During the PhD project, the Doctoral Candidate will:
  • Develop reliable experimental setup and procedures for JTC/HTL and pyrolysis/gasification tests
  • Characterise the feedstocks in terms of elemental analysis, proximate analysis, biochemical composition and inorganic composition
  • Create a database including results of reaction intermediates and products as a function of operative conditions and feedstock characteristics
  • Develop a reaction mechanism, highlighting the main class of reactions occurring at the variation of operative conditions
  • Create a network linking the different inorganic contaminantsto the product phases
  • Work in close collaboration with supervisors and laboratory group members while being the driving force of his/her own PhD

The ideal candidate is an highly motivated and enthusiastic individual with a strong drive for personal and professional growth. Applicants have obtained (or are about to obtain) a M.Sc. degree with distinction in Chemical Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, Bioengineering or Process Engineering. A genuine passion for hands-on laboratory work and experimental research is essential. Eligible applications will be assessed based on the applicant’s (1) academic back ground and qualifications, (2) previous (documented) experience in laboratory work and experimental data analysis, (3) technical expertise relevant to the project, (4) communication skills both written and verbal, and (5) motivation and committment to the project. Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” has an equal opportunity and diversity policy, and applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds are welcome.


Monthly gross salary is approximately 3.311 €/month, with the net salary depending on candidate’s family situation.


In addition to the eligibility criteria introduced above, the applicant should meet the requirements for PhD enrollment at Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”

For further details about this specific DC position, please contact

DC13 – Valorisation of contaminated biogenic waste in HTL/HTC lab-scale plants
Institution: Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” (Roma, Italy)

PhD program: Processes for Industry and Environment

Supervisors: Prof. Benedetta de Caprariis and Prof. Martina Damizia

Academic partner: TU Darmstadt (Germany) | Prof. Arne Scholtissek

Industrial partner: IOS (Maribor, Slovenia) | Dr. Alexandra Lobnik


The PhD position focuses on the valorization of contaminated biogenic waste through hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) and hydrothermal carbonisation (HTC). The research aims to assess and optimise the design of a semi-continuous HTL plant, refine operating conditions to miximise bio-crude yield with low heteroatom content (O < 15%), and characterise biochar and aqueous phase properties in order to explore their potential application. A key aspect is understanding the fate of contaminants, ensuring sufficient recovery of inorganics (e.g., phosphorus) while minimising their presence in the bio-crude. 

The activities will be performed at the laboratory of Industrial Chemistry at the Department of Chemical Engineering of Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” (Italy) under the supervision of Prof. Benedetta de Caprariis and Prof. Martina Damizia. The DC position includes a 6-month academic secondment at TU Darmstadt (Germany) to assess LCIA and economic feasibility of the proposed plant in the view of a scale-up under the supervision of Prof. Arne Scholtissek and a 3-month secondment at IOS (Slovenia) to experience working on higher scale pilot plants. 
The work requires strong theoretical background in chemical engineering and industrial chemistry. As the expected work is fully experimental, experience in a chemical engineering/industrial chemistry laboratory is encouraged. Capability of critically analyzing the achieved results is also required. 
During the PhD project, the Doctoral Candidate will:
  • Assess the influence of operating conditions and feedstock characteristics on HTL reactor design
  • Design and operation of a continuous lab-scale HTL plant
  • Optimization of operating conditions for maximum bio-crude yield and quality
  • Characterisation of biochar and aqueous phase to enable applications
  • Investigation of contaminant fate in the process looking at recovery of valuable inorganics and their minimisation in bio-crude
  • Work in close collaboration with supervisors and laboratory group members while being the driving force of his/her own PhD
The ideal candidate is an highly motivated and enthusiastic individual with a strong drive for personal and professional growth. Applicants have obtained (or are about to obtain) a M.Sc. degree with distinction in Chemical Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, Bioengineering or Process Engineering. A genuine passion for hands-on laboratory work and experimental research is essential. Eligible applications will be assessed based on the applicant’s (1) academic back ground and qualifications, (2) previous (documented) experience in laboratory work and experimental data analysis, (3) technical expertise relevant to the project, (4) communication skills both written and verbal, and (5) motivation and committment to the project. Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” has an equal opportunity and diversity policy, and applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds are welcome. 

Monthly gross salary is approximately 3.311 €/month, with the net salary depending on candidate’s family situation.


In addition to the eligibility criteria introduced above, the applicant should meet the requirements for PhD enrollment at Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”

For further details about this specific DC position, please contact 
DC14 – High-fidelity CFD simulations for pyrolysis/gasification reactors of contaminated lignocellulosic biomasses
Institution: TU Darmstadt (Darmstadt, Germany)


Supervisors: Prof. Christian Hasse and Prof. Arne Scholtissek

Academic partner: Politecnico di Milano (Italy) | Prof. Matteo Pelucchi

Industrial partner: VYNCHE (Harelbeke, Belgium) | Dr. H. Fastenaekels


The focal areas of this PhD project are high-fidelity CFD simulations for pyrolysis/gasification reactors of contaminated lignocellulosic biomasses. The CFD models shall integrate advanced kinetic models from molecular scale research, gas phase kinetics of complex fuel components, and also consider morphological characteristics of the feedstock. The research builds upon a validated OpenFOAM-based software framework with predictive multi-scale and multi-physics, which is to be extended for pyrolysis/gasification of contaminated lignocellulosic biomasses. With this, a hierarchical modelling approach and scientific understanding from single particle to turbulent reacting flow for contaminated biomass is achieved, explicitly considering also the evolution of the contaminants.


The position includes a 6-month academic secondment at Politecnico di Milano (Italy) to provide process boundary conditions for the determination of kinetics and product spectrum of biogenic waste streams and a 3-month industry secondment at VYNCKE (Belgium) to investigate and address technical challenges observed in reactor applications.


The work requires a strong theoretical background in computational engineering, modelling of reacting flows and chemical biomass conversion. Furthermore, as the Doctoral Candidate will need to carry out simulations on High Performance Computing (HPC) systems, a proficiency in scripting, programming, and automated data processing must be developed by the candidate. Therefore, programming capabilities or a high affinity for programming are of interest. Capabilities for verifying and critically analysing the achieved results are required.


During this PhD project, the Doctoral Candidate will:
  • Extend pre-existing biomass models by the conversion behavior of contaminated biomasses
  • Setup numerical simulations with operating conditions identified in collaboration with UPCYCLE partners (from process and reactor modelling)
  • Carry out simulations on HPC systems varying key operational parameters to investigate and assess the overall biomass conversion efficiency, influence on product spectrum, as well as implications for contaminant management
  • Characterisation of biochar and aqueous phase to enable applications
  • Investigation of contaminant fate in the process looking at recovery of valuable inorganics and their minimisation in bio-crude
  • Work in close collaboration with supervisors and STFS group members while being the driving force of hid/her own PhD

The ideal candidate is an enthusiastic and self-motivated person with a mindset for personal development. Diligence as well as a thorough and structured way of working are helpful. Applicants have obtained (or are about to obtain) a M.Sc. degree with distinction in Mechanical or Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Bioengineering or Process Engineering. Eligible applications will be assessed based on the applicant’s (1) academic qualifications, (2) previous (documented) experience in chemical kinetics, reactor modelling and chemistry, (3) technical skills, (4) communication skills, and (5) motivation for the project. TU Darmstadt has an equal opportunity and diversity policy, and applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds are welcome.


Monthly gross salary is approximately 5.000 €/month before taxes and benefits, resulting in a net salary of around 2,800-3,000 €/month, including benefits. The exact amount depend on the candidate’s family situation.
In addition to the eligibility criteria introduced above, the applicant should meet the requirements for PhD enrollment at TU Darmstadt.
For further details about this specific DC position, please contact
DC15 – TEA/LCA of thermodynamic process modelling for pyrolysis/gasification of contaminated wooden biomass
Institution: TU Darmstadt (Darmstadt, Germany)


Supervisors: Prof. Arne Scholtissek and Prof. Christian Hasse 

Academic partner: KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium) | Prof. Jo Van Caneghem

Industrial partner: Sulzer (Winterthur, Switzerland) | Dr. Irina Yarulina 


The focal areas of this PhD project are life cycle assessment (LCA) and techno-economic analyses (TEA) of pyrolysis/gasification processes of contaminated wooden biomasses, which are informed by lab-scale experiments produced within UPCYCLE and the scientific literature. The research will results in models at the interface between process assessment and thermodynamic modelling considering carbon utilisation routes (syngas/tars) as well as contaminant management. The models will be used to assess the energy and resource consumption, process economics, and relevant environmental indicators (e.g., GWP, impact on air/soil/water) of the overall deep conversion process.


This PhD position includes a 6-month academic secondment at KU Leuven (Belgium) to collaboratively gain insight in contributing processes from thermodynamic perspective and a 3-month industry secondment at Sulzer (Switzerland) to explore technological options for waste stream valorisation considering both ecological and economical aspects.


The work requires a strong theoretical background in thermodynamics, process engineering and chemical engineering. Furthermore, the Doctoral Candidate will need to work thoroughly and in a structured manner with scientific literature and databases, such as Ecoinvent. Commercial software will be used for LCA (e.g., SimaPro) and thermodynamic process modelling (e.g., Aspen Plus) in combination with custom data processing strategies. Therefore basic programming capabilities in scriptin languages (e.g., Phyton or MATLAB) are of interest. Capabilities for verifying and critically analysing the achieved results are required.


During this PhD project, the Doctoral Candidate will:
  • Develop a Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) for different pyrolysis/gasification routes of contaminated wooden biomasses
  • Extend the LCI by technological options and associated process data as identified by UPCYCLE partners
  • Develop LCA and TEA models for pyrolysis/gasification pathways considering product valorisation routes and contaminant management
  • Determining energy and resource consumption, environmental indicators, and economic feasibility for the considered deep conversion processes
  • Work in close collaboration with supervisors and STFS group members while being the driving force od his/her own PhD
The ideal candidate is an enthusiastic and self-motivated person with a mindset for personal development. Diligence as well as a thorough and structured way of working are helpful. Applicants have obtained (or are about to obtain) a M.Sc. degree with distinction in Mechanical or Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Bioengineering or Process Engineering. Eligible applications will be assessed based on the applicant’s (1) academic qualifications, (2) previous (documented) experience in chemical kinetics, reactor modelling and chemistry, (3) technical skills, (4) communication skills, and (5) motivation for the project. TU Darmstadt has an equal opportunity and diversity policy, and applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds are welcome. 


Monthly gross salary is approximately 5.000 €/month before taxes and benefits, resulting in a net salary of around 2,800-3,000 €/month, including benefits. The exact amount depend on the candidate’s family situation. 


In addition to the eligibility criteria introduced above, the applicant should meet the requirements for PhD enrollment at TU Darmstadt.

For further details about this specific DC position, please contact